Thursday, April 10, 2014


Hello and Great-greatings everyone. TODAY! i have not a single ANNOUNCEMENT! But, i have news. About stuff.

As some know, i don't do to many videos now, mostly because i have an EXTREME HEADACHE (which i often only get 1-2 days before a thunderstorm occurs.. i know its weird) But, I've been playing a game I've wanted to play for quite some time
Volgarr the Viking.. and its AMAZING! The sky high difficulty is amazing and you can feel getting better by every death, (even if i fuck up at places i shouldn't, but I'm only half human)
Though even if this game is EXTREMELY hard, you still want to complete it because its so well made, its not the games fault that you die, its your own. If you die, its because YOU fucked up, not that the game is bad.

But besides this chitter chatter about Vikings, Lets really talk about VIKINGS!
As some might know, i love Norse mythology, mostly because its Amazazings though i am sad to say, that i have not seen the series Vikings but i know its goood.. and i mean GOOOOOOD
its always been a series I've wanted to see, but as always i keep forgetting to actually move my ass to do it.. I don't know why, but i might just be dumb? (haha) Well i haven't heard anything bad about it so far, so it looks promising. I mean. its Vikings for gods sake (hurr di durr) And the story seems very familiar, it reminds me of my old novels i wrote as a "kid" but that was about a guy called Zeno Xander and was called the "Wrath of the Gods" because people thought he was Thor's own son. Since he had strength no one knew existed. (Yes, i am going to actually try re-write it once again)
Now though, the "lore" has been changed, now he isn't alone, but he has a brother by the name Bjorn Xander (The fact why i did that was because Zeno dies in the great battle of the Gods, where Loki tried to destroy Midgard and unleash Ragnarök (end of the world) so Thor went back to Midgard to fight. So i could take a few years before he is "needed" again, and by that time its about his brother. It was a nice way to be able to make 3 books where the focus is around the world and the 2 characters, (and the village they live in) Where the first book would be about their childhood, till the great battle. The second would be about Bjorn, being the one defending the village. But dies horribly because of well spoiler hehe..

But besides awesome series and my novels there are a few games and movies about Vikings that is awesome. First you have to see Outlander, i promise you, you wont regret it. Its great, with a good story, and it actually gives the Mythology another way of seeing it, since this is a Sci-fi about a man by the name Kainan, he is a warrior that fights the "alien" (dragon) Moorwen. He crash-lands on a planet were "Vikings" lives. So he is from a far off galaxy obviously, but the vikings believe it to be the end, and when Kainan finally see that the Moorwen also is here, he tries to help the Vikings killing it, without his equipment. (Because of reasons)

There are a lot of movies about vikings like Beuwulf (and if you havent seen that one, i have no idea where you have been haha.. its a 3D generated animated Movie with real actors, i don't remember the way its called, but its a film thing, where they record your body and render everything in animation)
But watch it, its pretty cool

But vikings.. They are or were the "Warriors" of mankind, even though they were barbaric they still had Honor. And of course their Gods. But now to games.

I've been playing a game called Volgaar the Viking (as i said before) and after i complete it (i will obviously make a montage video, because i LOOOOVE doing those)
But i see that I've been talking out of my ass again, and this is getting waaay out of hand haha.. but nonetheless i will see you later the week on either youtube or here ^^ Have a great one

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